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Hey Clover

High-quality, finely woven panama hat brand developed by two sisters and inspired by their travels to Ecuador. 

Main Disciplines

Logo Design



The design is inspired by one of the six Virtues of Guayaquil statues standing at the Plaza de le Administration in Ecuador. ‏

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The statue represents Leadership (Liderazgo) whilst the remaining five sculptures depict Generosity, Courage, Freedom, Solidarity and Fortitude. In this case, the woman figure can be seen as a personification of someone named “Clover” who embodies these virtues.

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The colour palette combines the neutrals of the brands’ hat designs with bold, powerful colours that represent the Clover persona.

Red was chosen as the primary focus as it is one of the colours on the Ecuadorian flag.

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Model Imagery 3.png

Incorporating this essence of visiting sites of significance whilst travelling and discovering the country was included as a nod to the fact that Hey Clover was inspired by the two sisters’ visit to Ecuador.

The slogan is a play on words as the phrase is typically “a paragon of virtue” where paragon means a model of perfection - so someone who has no moral faults. In this sense, model is used instead to reflect the notion of fashion as of course the sisters’ business operates in the fashion industry.

Maddy Bourke


Arun Sharma
Tatiana Twinslol


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