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Temple & Hemp

New hemp-based chocolate brand who wanted to incorporate funky fonts to stand out from the crowd and ultimately be stocked in supermarkets and bought by thousands of hemp lovers.

Main Disciplines

Logo Design, Packaging

Packaging Mockup Final 1.png
Reel 5.png
Reel 8.png

The main focus for this project was that the business lays in an industry that is becoming more mainstream but continues to face some skepticism around the use of hemp/CBD. Excluding the sativa leaf that is typical in hemp-based branding aimed to steer away from this 'stoner' connotation.

2-GABBIE Profile.png
Packaging Mockup 2.png
Caricature Profiles Magazine Mockup Final.png
1-RELAXATION Packaging.png
1-FOCUS Packaging.png

The concept centred upon illustrative identities that showed consumers in different situations and their consumption of the hemp-chocolate for different purposes - relaxation, focus, energy and sleep.


This sought to highlight that the use of CBD in small doses is actually very common and beneficial amongst a range of different people, adding credibility to any skeptics and making it relatable for those hemp-lovers.

Maddy Bourke


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